Saturday, May 15, 2010

A Triumph of 60 Years

Today we celebrated my grandparent’s 60th wedding anniversary – wow! Married in 1950, the two are a hilariously awesome couple. My grandfather is the stubborn, know-it-all (who really doesn’t know it) and my grandmother is the one who tells him when he’s wrong and fights him even when he’s right.

The idea of spending 60 years with the same person is mind boggling to me but I love the idea of it. Think about it - 60 years is three times my life. There is a definite possibility of getting bored but look what you get out of it – a best friend, a companion, someone forced to listen to you no matter what. My grandparents are two of the funniest people I know because of their strange and weirdly romantic life. Just tonight as we were out to dinner, the waitress went around the table to get orders starting with the priest (yes, my grandparents invited our priest to dinner with us). My grandmother was second and my grandfather last. Without even knowing it they both ordered crab cakes. How sweet is that? They even ordered the same thing!

All we can hope is that we are as lucky as them. Commitment takes a lot of work and they got it down. Love is a strange thing and we are lucky when we find that. Love, not lust. I think sometimes we get those confused. So, to all you love hopefuls out there, let Alphonsus and Mary (great name, huh?) be an inspiration to you.

P.S. Guess who I had to sit next to at dinner? The priest. Yep, that was interesting.

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