Wednesday, June 30, 2010

The "Three Little Words"

As I am sure that a lot of you women (and men as well) out there are aware- saying those "three little words" in a relationship are more often than not, rather difficult to say... Why is that? As I have been watching the seasons of Sex and the City (which I am just flying through- sadly, I have no life), I have notice that a lot of people throw it around pretty freely these days. Maybe it is just on the T.V., but I think it should be something special shared between two people, not just something said to say to anyone.

My fifth grade teacher, Mrs. Erickson, instilled the idea in me long ago that someone should mean it when they say it. She told our class a long drawn out story about her first love that really didn't love her back after she told him and he old her the "three little words". The moral of her story, was to not say it to just anyone, but to someone that you really mean it to.

So for you followers out there- I pass Mrs. Erickson's message on to you all... Tell only the people you mean it to that you love them. Don't waste these word on just anyone- the florist, the worker at McDonald's, or the cute bartender- but rather for someone that might be a little more deserving than the randoms in your life.

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