Wednesday, July 7, 2010

The Biggest LOOOOOZZER= Not Me...

So- for me- my weight is an on going insecurity that has plagued me for years. I don't think that I am an elephant or anything, but I am just not comfortable in my own skin these days. You know, when your clothes don't fit the right way and you don't think you look good in pictures and all that jazz. Now, I am sure most of you have experienced this phenomenon from time to time- you see someone on the street or in the mall or something and think to yourself, "oh, I wish I had their hair" or "I love their (fill on blank here)"...

These days, I feel like I just keep feeling more and more uncomfortable in my skin, and more and more lazy to do anything about it- so I really shouldn't be allowed to complain. Right?

Two weeks ago I started Jillian (from the Biggest Loser)'s workout DVD, and started to eat better, and I lost 1.5 pounds, however, over the course of this past holiday weekend, I think I gained that plus some back by eating the man friends families home cooking- WTF... Can't a girl get a break ? (Not that I am complaining about the food mind you...)

So- I guess the point of this blog is to ask you followers out there if you have any tips of techniques to help a lady out... I am getting to the point of sheer desperation! (Sad, I know...)

Thanks all, and have a SPECTACULAR Wednesday!


  1. I don't really know any good weight loss techniques other than eating healthy, watching intake of calories, sugar, preservatives, sodium and such, and exercise... but I'll work out with you, 'cause I wanna try and lose my pudge!
