Tuesday, July 27, 2010

An Apologetic Return

First of all, I have to say sorry to all of you (especially Sina) for basically disappearing for the last few months. This summer has been nothing but stressful to little ol' me. Between beverage carting (in which I feel I could write a novel on my experiences), family, friends, and ultimately life, I have had not one ounce of free time to really enjoy summer. Pathetic I know.

My life as a bev cart girl has led to proposals, dates, friends, a golf game, and ultimately being able to mix a mean drink. The stories I come home with at night are ones that I can laugh to with my friends until I cry or need one of my own strong drinks to help forget that those weirdos actually do roam this earth.

Between planning for next year (last year of school!) and the summer after I am so excited to say that I am planning a trip to Italy! I will be spending 2-3 months in the magical land of art, food and wine on a self discovery of Kenzie trip. (Thank you Eat, Pray, Love.) I have begun looking at apartments to rent in the heart of the city and am planning my trips to see some of the greatest works of art. This trip is once in a lifetime and I can't think of a better way to discover my true self than forcing myself into a city I don't speak the language, have never been, and know nothing of (well, besides art).
So, that's what I've been up to and my summer so far. With one month to go until the return of school I will be up to my old tricks at the golf course and spending as much free time on my boat as possible drinking in every ounce of summer sun that I can.

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