Thursday, July 29, 2010

Camera Funk..

I have been really attracted to images that have a bit of a flare to them lately... Not just a funk to them (although that is a necessity too), but a camera flare, from the lighting... Soooo- here are a few of the ones that I have been finding- as a sample to you kids out there following this blog...

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

An Apologetic Return

First of all, I have to say sorry to all of you (especially Sina) for basically disappearing for the last few months. This summer has been nothing but stressful to little ol' me. Between beverage carting (in which I feel I could write a novel on my experiences), family, friends, and ultimately life, I have had not one ounce of free time to really enjoy summer. Pathetic I know.

My life as a bev cart girl has led to proposals, dates, friends, a golf game, and ultimately being able to mix a mean drink. The stories I come home with at night are ones that I can laugh to with my friends until I cry or need one of my own strong drinks to help forget that those weirdos actually do roam this earth.

Between planning for next year (last year of school!) and the summer after I am so excited to say that I am planning a trip to Italy! I will be spending 2-3 months in the magical land of art, food and wine on a self discovery of Kenzie trip. (Thank you Eat, Pray, Love.) I have begun looking at apartments to rent in the heart of the city and am planning my trips to see some of the greatest works of art. This trip is once in a lifetime and I can't think of a better way to discover my true self than forcing myself into a city I don't speak the language, have never been, and know nothing of (well, besides art).
So, that's what I've been up to and my summer so far. With one month to go until the return of school I will be up to my old tricks at the golf course and spending as much free time on my boat as possible drinking in every ounce of summer sun that I can.

Tall Ships= The Bane of My Existence

For the past few years- Duluth has been bringing in these "Tall Ships" (pirate ships is what they actually are) to bring in tourists... Essentially they are a tourist trap, which makes my life as a "desker" SUPER great because I have to deal with stupid tourists and their stupid questions...

Hearing dumb people ask the EXACT same question 100,000,000 times a day does NOT get old, I LOVE it, and I wish they would do it MORE (please sense the sarcasm there)... Seriously people- they are just ships... You can turn on the movie Pirates of the Caribbean 1, 2 or 3 and see the EXACT same ships- not to mention sexy Johnny Depp- and satisfy the urge to watch the wind blow through the sails of an old boat- and you can leave poor little me alone...

So, please... I for the love of all that is holy... I urge you to stop telling me your life story and how you have waited for years to see them- since you were a little boy/girl- because I do NOT care one little bit about your desire to see the ships... Thank you!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Re-Connecting with Old Friends- Or Not...

Does anyone else think it is weird when you get a random text message out of the blue saying "hey! what's up?"or an invite to a group asking for your phone number when someone got a new phone, from someone you haven't spoken to in FOREVER? I think that this is a rare occurrence, but something that does indeed happen more often that not (and not only to me- from what I am hearing).

Just the other day, I was sitting on my couch, and I got a message from someone I literally have not spoken a word to- or even thought about- since at least sophomore year of high school. I am not friends with them on facebook- so I can't even stalk them. I have NO idea where they are in their lives, what they are doing, or know anything about them (anymore), and yet, for some reason, they were inspired to text me a "hey! what's up?" message on this faithful and odd day. I had no idea what to do or say back- so, the chicken I am did nothing. LAME.

But seriously, can you blame me? What would you have done...?

Tuesday, July 20, 2010


This past weekend was so much fun and it was so nice to be able to see my man-friend. I really was a weekend of bliss... As I searched the interned this morning far and wide, I found some images that I thought conveyed a feeling of what I thought were fun and crazy... I cannot wait for this next weekend. I am going home to see my sister, and hang out with some friends in the cities. It is also Lumberjack Days this weekend- so it will be a weekend of seeing all of those people from High School you LOVE seeing (insert sarcasm here), and wished you never had to see again... So- it will be fun!

Any exciting plans anybody?

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

A Wonderful Day- Full of People and Treats...

I've always made such a big deal about meeting significant others' parents (and family for that matter)- but now that I have, I guess I am not sure why I waited so long to do it... So when the man-friend's mom text me and invited me to join them for lunch (without the comfort and cushioning of the man-friend) how could i pass that up- free food and time one-on-one with her.

So, when yesterday rolled around, I did just that, and I met the man-friend's mom and sister for an afternoon of lunch and shopping, and I had a BLAST. We met at the Olive Garden at 11 (not my favorite place in the world, but I only know what it is like to get the soup and salad deal because I am too poor to get anything else, turns out their food isn't terrible), where we laughed, exchanged stories about each other, and the men in our lives (them telling me about mine), and discussed the days plans. We then drove to the mall, and shopped our bank accounts away. Now, I am not usually one to find things here in our tiny little thing they like to pretend is a mall, but when I am not paying for them (Karen- the mother- would not let me buy anything for myself), it gets a little easier to find things... Once the mall had exceeded its limits, we went to the next store, and the next, and the next, and on and on until Duluth was all shopped out.

Overall, the day was a success, and I had a ton of fun, and all that worrying for all of those months was a waste. I am such a loser. I could not ask for better people to be able to hang around with, eh?

Monday, July 12, 2010


This past weekend, a good friend of mine came up to visit. Now every once and a while (every great once and awhile), a great source of inspiration hits me/us and something on my list of ideas actually gets done; it just so happened that this past Saturday that very thing happened for the both of us.

We have been talking about doing a fun photo shoot for a long time now- we both follow a lot of blogs, look at photo sites like flickr and photo bucket, and enjoy creeping on people's facebooks- so this past weekend, with our great source of inspiration, we decided to do one of our own.

We drove to the beach at Wisconsin Point (less people we knew there), and found a spot to call our own. We took pictures of each other and of the both of us using a tripod, and it was a blast. I had so much fun, and I am super duper excited to do it again.

Here are a few of the hi-lights (and how could you not have a TON of FUN with balloons)! Have a great Monday!

Friday, July 9, 2010

Weekend Motivation

As many of you probably have realized by now- I am a pretty big fan of images... I have been searching the internet far and wide for images, and have gathered quite the collection- and in that search- I have also come across many images of dorky "motivational" quotes. You know the kind- the ones that are supposed to make you grab life by the balls and go start a group to cure a disease or something- well bloggers- that is what I seem to find left and right... However, I seem to like the more, um, obscure ones... So, in true fashion of this blog, my gain is your gain! I hope you get some serious "motivation" out of these wonderful little nuggets of wisdom...

Happy Friday!