Monday, June 21, 2010

Tears for a Man... Not Me!

So, for the last month, I have been housing the man-friend while he was homeless, waiting to see where his life-after-graduation would take him, and waiting for his internship to start... After being with him nearly everyday, all day- it was weird when he left yesterday- for four weeks... But, instead of sitting around on my butt and pouting or being a big baby about it- I made myself dinner, , took a shower, watched a movie, drank a glass of wine, and worked out to a new DVD I think I am going to try to keep up with (which I am regretting today, for my entire body aches)... I think I handled it well, and I am excited to keep up with doing my own thing...


  1. you go girl! I hardly ever see the bf either... sometimes it's lonely- but sometimes it's really nice because you really get a chance to focus on y-o-u. keep up the good work :)
