Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Guess What...

45 Days till Spring Break! It may seem like a lot still but February is next week and March is just a hop, skip and a jump after that.
It's especially exciting seeing that the temperature right now is a balmy 5 degrees. Ick! Why do we put ourselves through this frigid, cold weather year after year. I ask myself everyday, "Why did you choose Duluth again?" Well, I'm here now so I might as well just suck it up and wait a few measly weeks. Please let me make it that long and not freeze.
I can see it now: starting the day off by walking outside into the subzero weather. Beginning my trek down the hill to the bus stop, hitting a patch of ice and sliding down the entire hill halted at the end by an icy snow bank, only to be found later by some alcoholic on the way to the liquor store across the road.
I know, I'm not the most positive but you have to be prepared for this weather. Think the worst and it is usually somewhat better. The one thing getting me through this is the thought of a hammock, a margarita and the 90 degree weather of Costa Rica... bring in on winter!

Monday, January 25, 2010

Lemon for Dummies

I don't know if any of you caught on to any earlier posts but we refer to our stomachs as lemons. Why lemons you ask? It's a long story and really doesn't make all that much sense so we'll spare you that one (hint: it stems from 30 Rock). We have just about the noisiest lemons on the planet. Is it just me or does this always happen at the worst times? It's not bad enough that it sounds like your about to poop your pants (when really, you just had a little too much to eat), but when your stomach is having a conniption around someone else is when it really gets awkward. Where are my Tums?

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

First Day of School Woes

So has anyone else noticed the difference between the kids on the first day of school... I was making observations today on the bus, in the hallway, in my classes and in all of the other places i seemed to stray on this day in which I seem to dread more than all others.

There are two types of people: the undead- the kids who walk the halls like zombies, not making eye contact with people, bug bags under their eyes, and who clearly have not seen the sun in months... And then there is their polar opposite- the kids who are chipper caffeinated cheerleader types (too hyper for their own good), who I in turn end up wanting to smack in the face.

I seem to break from this mold... Now I know what you much be thinking- "hotty totty you!"- but its not like this... I got to sleep in one hour more than I would if I were working, so I felt a little rested (so no bags under my eyes- hence not the zombie... also, I had a large cup of coffee), and I nearly loathe the people who basically cheer for class to start and get to class 45 minutes early just so they can get the best seat in the class... I feel as though a healthy balance of the two is good- and I think I got it, although I felt a little bit more like a zombie today in biology...

Monday, January 18, 2010

Quote of the Day

"That's me. Genius by day, seductress of extremely weird men by night."

(Picture: Anne Bancroft from The Graduate, the original seductress)

Turning the big 22...

So... turning 22 was not as I predicted... a bomb did not go off, babies did not cry (and I am referring to myself here folks) and no one got hurt (well, hurt that bad anyways)...

The girls and I went out to dinner and then out for a night on the town to celebrate the day in which I was put on this delightful planet. We ended up seeing a bunch of people out that we knew, and because it was my birthday (or maybe it is because I am so gosh darn charming- ha ha)- people were buying all of my drinks for me- THANKS GUYS!

The night was an absolute success in my book- complete with naked girls, drunken fight, blue cream on ice and awkward bar conversations that you would rather not have had... ever!

Here are some of the highlights:

Friday, January 15, 2010

Happy Birthday Sina!

22 Reasons I Love Sina:

  1. She makes me laugh all day long (most important)!
  2. She’s my partner in crime.
  3. She makes every day a little bit more fun.
  4. She always understands when my stomach growls like a hyena (because her lemon does it too).
  5. She calls me lovebug.
  6. She’s my chauffeur.
  7. She loves to dance.
  8. She’s great with awkward moments.
  9. Tequila makes her goofy.
  10. She scats with me whenever I’m in the scatting mood.
  11. We can sit for hours and watch T.V. and never get sick of each other (I can only speak for myself but…)
  12. She never gets angry at my little annoying habits.
  13. She’ll screw with me… oh, come on guys, I’m talking about screwing with a drill. We’re quite the carpenters.
  14. She can cook (or so she says, I am yet to witness this).
  15. She brings out the best in people.
  16. She’s always there for you.
  17. She’s my neighbor.
  18. We can watch Mad Men, The Office and basically any comedy and laugh at exactly the same parts.
  19. She listens when I talk (which could go on for hours).
  20. Her cravings keep life interesting and force us to switch up restaurants.
  21. There’s never a dull moment.
  22. She’s just an itty-bitty lady but she is the best friend a person can ask for: sweet, funny, loyal and goofy in all the greatest ways.

Can’t wait to see what’s in store for us this year! Happy Birthday Girl!

Thursday, January 14, 2010


Let me start this off by saying that I truly love my mother but boy oh boy is she an interesting one. Just today she was singing and dancing to “Bootylicious” and singing, “I don’t think your ready for this jelly…” As she was multitasking on this endeavor, she slipped on the wood floor and flew across the floor to her bedroom. Not only was she sharing her fine ‘talent’ with me, she also decided not to do her hair all day and left it to air dry. Now this sounds fine but not in the case of my mother (or should I say my cavewoman). She even said herself that she looked like Harry from Dumb and Dumber. If you were wondering where my crazy came from, I don’t think I need to explain any further.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

New Year, New Semester

And we're off again... the beginning of a brand new semester starts next week. Exciting. If only you could hear the enthusiasm in my voice (pure sarcasm). I'm not exactly the kind of person you would call a devoted student. I don't mind school but if I had endless amounts of money I would probably be drinking a glass of vino right now in Tuscany or lying on a beach in the Greek Isles eating baklava. School's fine and I know it's basically necessary in today's careers but a girl can dream, can't she? Let's put it this way, there's 8 1/2 weeks till spring break. Yes, I counted. It's pretty pathetic when your just starting a new semester, no, haven't even started, and your ready for spring break. Well folks, if your a professional relaxer (avoider of all things school related) like me, speak now! We can get through this semester together. The official countdown to spring break begins now. I know this seems early but this is what gets me through each week- thinking of margaritas, hammocks and my old friend, the sun. What are your plans for this year's break? Please do share.

58 days till freedom! (I know the number's a little high but it'll be here in no time at all)

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Quotes of the Day: Inspired by Glee

Glee's Sue Sylvester

“Get ready for the ride of your life Will Schuester. You’re about to board the Sue Sylvester Express. Destination horror!”

“While they were in there, I told them to go ahead and yank out those tear ducts. Wasn’t using them.”

“You think this was hard? Try auditioning for Baywatch and being told they’re going in another direction. That was hard.”

''...I will go to the animal shelter and get you a kitty cat. I will let you fall in love with that kitty cat. And then on some dark, cold night, I will steal away into your house...and punch you in the face.''

Monday, January 11, 2010

Check This Out

Searching the blogosphere, I came across a blog that is so funny! If your looking for a little something to get you through the day, this is worth checking out. It's ridiculous but quite hilarious!

Check out the site below:

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Guest Blog: You Complete Me

By now many of you might be thinking that I am nothing close to a love guru, but rather a cynical woman venting my frustrations of love. If in fact this is what you believe than I must congratulate you, for you are correct. But my frustrations do not stem from bad break ups, heart aches, and me falling head over-heals for a man who never noticed, rather I am frustrated with the idea of love which was engrained in me as a young girl.

If you were to ask me when I was 16 what my future would hold, I would have responded with graduating from high school, attending some type of higher education, meeting the man of my dreams and marrying at 21 with my first child expected at the age of 23.

Well I am 23, no husband, no child, and not at all what I predicted. Many women in my position find themselves waiting, searching for the man who is going to arrive in their life with a bang while sporting a banner that says ‘the one’ and we are suppose to follow suite and hop on to the popular You Complete Me Train. I do believe that we all have certain people who bring out the best in us, the ones where the chemistry is undeniable, and you can’t help feeling fantastic, but why is it once we find this person we are suppose to feel ‘complete’ as if we were incomplete before?

It seems there are too many people walking around feeling less than because they have yet to find a keeper. It is highly probable that I am delusional and think that I could go through life on my own and be very much happy, but I refuse to think that I need someone to make me who I am as a person.

Shouldn’t we love ourselves, accept ourselves, embrace who and what we are before we are bound to another? If I go around looking for someone to fill the empty space within me, wouldn’t that become a burden for my partner?

I think relationships are a lot like the perfect outfit, sure you can have a knockout dress but without the right shoes the look doesn’t shine. Our boyfriends and girlfriends should be accessories to who we are, complements, the finishing touch rather than a missing piece of the puzzle. You can take this theory with a grain of salt, but searching for a perfect pair of Jimmy Choos sounds much more appealing than looking for my missing collar bone, or right leg.

I feel complete knowing that I have grown into my own skin, allowed myself to change as a being, and I can strut around town wearing a three year old pair of five dollar flip-flops from Target and feel like a million bucks, but when I slip on those strappy foam green Minolos with the pink pear accent I feel out of this world. So how bout we drop the Jerry McGuire dramatics and stop looking for the love that makes two halves a whole. Be fabulous, be you, and the rest will fall into place.

-Trudy Weigel

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Daunting Birthdays

My birthday is coming up, and I am freaked out... Why one may ask- well I feel as though I am getting old... Yes, I know, 22 is not old- but I am feeling old. My knees and hips are starting to hurt, my bones are aching (although that may have to do with changes in the temperature- which is also an age thing), and in general, I feel as though I need a giant nap...

Maybe this all has to do with the fact that there are no more important birthdays left for me other than 30, 40, and 50- and after that you are just praying that you can live to see the next day...

I apologize to our older followers if this is making you upset or sad, but as my birthday creeps closer and closer, and there is nothing all that great planned for it, I am just a little bit more anxious for the day to come... But it cant be all that bad right? People have been making past 22 for years! Im just the next one in line!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

A New Year for Two New Lovely Ladies!

As we moved into the new year, we decided to get buck wild... My man friend, his roommate, and our friend Meredith all ventured to the cities and we had the party of the old year.

First, we made a feast of hors d'oeuvres, then when the guests arrived, we headed out into the city for dinner at Ichibans Japanese Steakhouse- where they cook the food right at your table in front of you (dinner and a show!). Once dinner was complete, we left for home- we had all spent more than enough on dinner- and came to the conclusion that a night filled with ping pong and hot tubing would be suffice...

The ball dropped at midnight- which we all saw- and then a dance party began... Overall, I
believe that the night was a success- filled with laughs, drinks and bodies diving into the frigid snow!

Monday, January 4, 2010

Quote of the Day

I am not exactly what you would call an experienced cook and New Years Eve I wanted to prove to myself that I could cook and entertain a few close friends. All made up and in my New Years attire, I was cooking up a storm; pulling things out of the oven and displaying them proudly on the counter.
"Your like Sally Home-Crocker"
-Sina trying to tell me I was like Betty Crocker and Sally Homemaker
(That's Julia Child pictured, I think I'm a little more like her in the kitchen: spunky)

Sunday, January 3, 2010

The Art of Nicknames

When in a relationship is it acceptable to start calling each other by a nickname? I personally am not a fan of those ridiculously schmoopy names that you hear all too often. Are you ever walking down the hall and you hear a couple call each other muffin or sweetie, or anything referring to food for that matter, and are ready to barf? (I feel that way all the time.) We have collaborated with a few friends to give you lovers out there some sensational names for each other (please don’t use them, they are totally a joke).

1. Snuggleupagainstme (Snuffleupagus)

2. Muffin pants

3. Lovebug

4. Pookie

5. Baby-cakes

6. Honey-Bear

7. Snuggle Bunny

8. Honey Bunches

We have actually started calling each other by these nicknames as well (thats just how funny we find them):

Sina=Honey-Bear, McKenzie=Lovebug